Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Oh my God, listen to Ida Maria: Fortress Round My Heart

Goodness, yes. Ida Maria opened for Glasvegas in DC on March 26th. I have been thinking about how good they were ever since. I would have ran out to purchase this wonderful slice of Norwegian pie if I didn't have to shell out all my $$ to the government. So, I've been listening to the album here. Go check it out and tell me what you think.

Zen Video Time

More about Headless Hero's here>>

Thursday, April 9, 2009

&hearts 4-10

&hearts 4-10, originally uploaded by jennder.

This is what you should do tomorrow while I'm danciing to 80's jamz in Richmond.

Seriously 4realz.


Wow. I'm pretty stoked on TypeNeu: An Odyssey in Typography.
I don't have time to write much more that wowzers about it. Just go check it out.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Japanther at DC9

japs, originally uploaded by jennder.

Boink, stop moshing, dudes. I know you're all fun-haviing and shit, but for the love of hairy-baby-jesus, give it up. "I'm to old for this shit" leathal weapon style.
The band was pretty radness. Clicky image to see full flickr set.